Have a Whale of a time!
Imagine yourself surrounded by the breathtaking scenery of the Inside Passage, while watching the unique gathering of humpback whales that takes place in Southeast Alaska. Your Juneau Adventures whale watching voyage will take you right to the middle of the action and to one of the most memorable experiences of your life. Outside of Alaskan waters, humpbacks are usually solitary creatures, only the cow and her calf traveling together. But in the spring and summer, Humpback Whales travel to our nutrient rich waters in concentrated numbers. You may observe breaching, spy hopping and bubble net feeding on your Juneau Adventures whale watching trip. We go where the whales are, and our trip may cover the waters of Stephens Passage, Lynn Canal or Chatham Strait on board a vessel specifically designed to optimize your viewing.
As we look for whales, don’t be surprised to see bald eagles, Dall’s Porpoise, harbor seals, sea lions, waterfowl and an occasional black bear. While the main attraction is the Humpback Whale, we are always looking out for the playful Orcas. If we are lucky, we will be able to observe the humpbacks bubblenet feeding.
The whales work cooperatively to contain the feed in a net of bubbles and then come up through the middle while eating their fill. Our vessel has 360 degree viewing area for great photo opportunities. We have unrestricted viewing from inside the cabin as well. Our cabin is enclosed and heated, but we recommend you dress in layers, and remember your raingear since you are in a rainforest!